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Redner steht auf der Stage beim techtextil Forum

Beyond innovation – Techtextil Forum sets new standards

On the stage of the 20th edition of Techtextil, all visitors can expect decisive know-how: Techtextil Forum reflects what moves the global textile industry. International experts invite you to enriching presentations, panel discussions and debates. Outstanding industry impulses and valuable expertise – live on our perfectly located stage at Techtextil!

Techtextil Forum: Innovative into the textile future

Redner beim Techtextil Forum

Would you like to find out about the latest research findings, the newest product developments and progressive innovations? Then Techtextil Forum is the right place for you!

The high-quality, curated lecture programme provides insights into key topics of the textile industry. Renowned experts from industry and research share their valuable expertise and invite you to exchange ideas and engage in discussions.

The spectrum ranges from bio-based functional materials to intelligent textiles. Stay up to date and make your own company fit for the future!

Our well-respected Programme Committee sets the main topics and selects the talks for the four Techtextil days. Together with the exhibitors, they take the textile industry into the future, providing exciting and inspiring presentations and discussions.

Eng. António Braz Costa, General Manager
Technological Centre for the Textile and Clothing Industry of Portugal (CITEVE), Portugal

Johannes Diebel, General Manager

Research Council of Textiles (FKT), Germany

Dr. Heike Illing-Günther, Managing Director
Saxon Textile Research Institute e.V., Germany

Dr. Jan Laperre, General Manager
Centexbel, Belgium

Prof. Dr. René Rossi, Head of Laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), Switzerland

Dr. Thomas Stegmaier, Head of Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment, Energy and Assistant Management
German Institutes of Textile and Fibre Research (DITF), Germany

Prof. Dr. Henry Yi Li, Chair of Textile Science and Engineering & Chairman, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society
The University of Manchester, Department of Materials, School of Natural Sciences, Great Britain

Varied themes

  • Innovative Materials & Applications
  • Sustainable and circular materials and technologies (recyclability, traceability, carbon neutrality, etc.)
  • Biobased functional materials
  • Digitalisation & Production Technology
  • Intelligent textiles

More for the knowledge-hungry

Econogy Zeichen

Econogy Talks – plattform for green pioneers

Techtextil promotes sustainable behaviour in the global textile industry. The Econogy Talks provide sustainable solutions and valuable expertise. Exchange ideas with experts!