Textile innovations across all sectors - at Techtextil, we honour ground-breaking new and further developments with the Techtextil Innovation Award. On show are developments from the fields of technical textiles, nonwovens and functional apparel textiles that redefine global market standards and push boundaries.
The Techtextil Innovation Award 2024 will be presented on 23 April 2024 at 12:30 pm in an official, media-effective ceremony.
Winners Techtextil Innovation Award 2024

The winners of this year's Techtextil Innovation Award of the leading international trade fairs Techtextil have been announced. Nine award winners in five categories have received the coveted award for their pioneering research, new products products, processes or technologies.
The award-winning innovations show that textile solutions are essential drivers for further developments in numerous sectors such as aviation, automotive, medicine and construction.

Fibre-reinforced composites: indispensable for modern aerospace industry. They reduce the weight of aircraft aircraft and reduce fuel consumption.
The Centexbel process recycles these composite materials which contributes to sustainability in the aerospace industry. With the Techtextil Innovation Award in the category "New Approaches on Sustainability & Circular Economy" was awarded to the Belgian textile research institute.
The Portuguese technology centre for the textile and clothing and clothing industry CITEVE receives the Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Product" category for its "Smart Roofs System". The waterproofing system for flat roofs consists of a water-based waterproofing waterproofing membrane and a textile reinforcement structure.
The system offers improved performance and sustainability through the integration of electronic yarns.
To the exhibitor searchDITF
A new type of coating for self-cooling textiles from the German Institutes of Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf (DITF) receives a Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Technology" category.
The coating enables textiles to cool themselves. It reflects sunlight and allows heat to radiate. This development is a response to the increasing energy requirements for cooling in cities due to climate change.
It could offer an electricity-free alternative to air conditioning systems.
To the exhibitor searchHeraeus Precious Metals
Figures show that sepsis is responsible for one in five deaths worldwide. Heraeus Precious Metals is developing a new antimicrobial technology called AGXX. This is intended to protect hospital patients from the pathogens. AGXX, an additive based on precious metals, is incorporated into textiles and generates reactive oxygen through a catalytic reaction.
This is designed to kill microorganisms and remains effective even after 100 washes. For this, the company receives Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Technology "New Technology" category.
To the exhibitor searchLunaMicro

Comfort is one of the most important aspects of clothing: For its intelligent moisture management technology Swedish company LunaMicro receives a Techtextil Innovation Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Technology" category for its intelligent moisture management technology.
This actively transports liquids such as sweat out of clothing actively to the outside when worn. The patented electroosmotic pump will soon be used in various items of clothing.

Around 40 per cent of global CO2 emissions are attributable from the construction and building sector. The Institute for Textile Machinery and High-Performance Textile Technology (ITM) and the Institute of Concrete Structures (IMB) at the TU Dresden has been honoured for their concrete production process with carbon fibre Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Concept" category.
The process is designed to save up to a third of the concrete, resulting in a more sustainable construction method.

Also in the "New Concept " category, the biotech start-up Revoltech was also honoured with a Techtextil Innovation Award in the "New Concept" category.
The young company from Darmstadt received the prize for its vegan, fully recyclable leather substitute made from hemp fibres called called "LOVR". According to Revoltech, LOVR is considered the "world's first truly circular leather substitute" that offers scalability and 100 per cent compostability. This could fundamentally fundamentally change traditional leather and artificial leather.
Norafin Industries
Norafin Industries is honoured in the category "New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling" category with a Techtextil Innovation Award for its new "Hydro-Shape" process honoured.
The company uses high-pressure water jets to join fibres into three-dimensional into three-dimensional shapes. This innovative process enables the production of 3D textile products from biodegradable natural fibres.
This helps to reduce waste by using energy and materials efficiently.
To the exhibitor searchSA-Dynamics

The start-up at the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University University SA-Dynamics has developed recyclable insulating textiles made developed recyclable insulating textiles made from bio-based aerogel fibres. The aim is to replace synthetic insulation materials in order to insulate more sustainably.
This earned them the second Techtextil Innovation Award in the category "New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling" category. These insulation textiles could revolutionise the world of construction.
Our expert jury
Eng. António Braz Costa, General Manager
Technological Centre for the Textile and Clothing Industry of Portugal (CITEVE), Portugal
Johannes Diebel, General Manager
Research Council of Textiles (FKT), Germany
Dr. Heike Illing-Günther, Managing Director
Saxon Textile Research Institute e.V., Germany
Dr. Jan Laperre, General Manager
Centexbel, Belgium
Prof. Dr. René Rossi, Head of Laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), Switzerland
Dr. Thomas Stegmaier, Head of Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment, Energy and Assistant Management
German Institutes of Textile and Fibre Research (DITF), Germany
Prof. Dr. Henry Yi Li, Chair of Textile Science and Engineering & Chairman, Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society
The University of Manchester, Department of Materials, School of Natural Sciences, Great Britain
- New Concept
- New Technology
- New Material
- New Application
- New Product
- New Approaches on Sustainability & Circular Economy
- New Technologies on Sustainability & Recycling
- New Technology & Digitalization